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Purruja Lodge espanol
Purruja Lodge english

Travel by airplane


There are two Companies flying from San José to Golfito.



Nature Air


Fly time is 50 minutes

On the airport Taxis are waiting. For around US$ 6.- they bring guest to Purruja Lodge. (about 15min) 



Travel by bus


The Bus Company Tracopa connect San José with the south of Costa Rica. Travel time around 6 hours, including half a hour break in a Restaurant.


From the Panama Border "Paso Canoas", the Bus "Transgolfo" drives hourly to Golfito. 


Tell tot he driver to stop at the entrance of "Purruja Lodge", then you have to walk about 200mtr.

If you have much luggage, or in darkness of nigth it is better to drive to Golfito center and then back by taxi (US$5.-)



Travel by boat


If you are coming from the "Osa Peninsula" te best option is getting one o the public boats frm Pto. Jimenéz to Golfito.


In Golito the boat arrives closed to the busstop. For less then one dollar the bring you to the antrance of Purruja Lodge, or by Taxi around US$5.-